Formula for calculating interest on a money judgment

Our Post-Judgment Interest Calculator is capable of accurately computing post-judgment interest and total judgment value regardless of state or territory.

It correctly calculates judgment interest for all fifty states, the District of Columbia, all provinces of Canada, and federal judgments. Interest rates are updated weekly to ensure the program is always current, and because it resides online, it can be accessed from anywhere, on any computer, by your entire office. It is used by courts, law offices, and legal professionals throughout the United States and Canada.

Give it a try!

Only federal post-judgment interest for the previous
five years may be calculated with this demo version.

The correct interest rate will automatically be selected by the program based on the judgment amount, beginning date, and territory. You may override the statutory interest rate by entering a different rate, in decimal format, in the "interest override" field. Partial payment fields may be left empty if no payments have been received. Recoverable costs may be entered as partial payments with a negative value.

Calculations will be displayed below.

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