The following table summarizes the keyboard shortcuts built into ImageJ. You can create additional shortcuts, or override built-in ones, by creating simple macros and adding them to the StartupMacros.txt . You can also assign a function key to a menu command using Plugins ▷ Shortcuts ▷ Create Shortcuts…↑ .
Several of these shortcuts accept key modifiers as described in Key Modifiers↓. Also note that, except when using the Text Tool↑, you do not need to hold down the control key to use a keyboard shortcut, unless Require control key for shortcuts in Edit ▷ Options ▷ Misc…↑ is checked.
List of ImageJ 1.46 built-in shortcuts. This table can be obtained within ImageJ using the Plugins ▷ Shortcuts ▷ List Shortcuts…↑ command.
Command / Operation | Shortcut | Description |
File ▷ | ||
New ▷ Image… [n]↑ | N | Create new image or stack |
New ▷ Text Window [N]↑ | Shift N | Create new text window |
New ▷ System Clipboard [V]↑ | Shift V | Create image from system clipboard |
Open… [o]↑ | O | Open file (any format recognized by ImageJ) |
Open Next [O]↑ | Shift O | Open next image in folder |
Open Samples ▷ ↑Blobs (25K) | Shift B | Opens the Blobs.gif example image |
Close [w]↑ | W | Close the active window |
Save [s]↑ | S | Save active image in Tiff format |
Revert [r]↑ | R | Revert to saved version of image |
Print… [p]↑ | P | Print active image |
Edit ▷ | ||
Undo [z]↑ | Z | Undo last operation |
Cut [x]↑ | X | Copy selection to internal clipboard and clear |
Copy [c]↑ | C | Copy selection to internal clipboard |
Paste [v]↑ | V | Paste contents of internal clipboard |
Clear↑ | Backspace | Erase selection to background color |
Fill [f]↑ | F | Fill selection in foreground color |
Draw [d]↑ | D | Draw selection |
Invert [I]↑ | Shift I | Invert image or selection |
Selection ▷ Select All [a]↑ | A | Select entire image |
Selection ▷ Select None [A]↑ | Shift A | Remove selection |
Selection ▷ Restore Selection [E]↑ | Shift E | Restore previous selection |
Selection ▷ Properties… [y] ↑ | Y | Defines selection properties |
Selection ▷ Add to Manager [t] ↑ | T | Add selection to ROI Manager |
Image ▷ | ||
Adjust ▷ Brightness/Contrast… [C]↑ | Shift C | Adjust brightness and contrast |
Adjust ▷ Threshold… [T] ↑ | Shift T | Adjust threshold levels |
Show Info… [i] ↑ | I | Display information about active image |
Properties… [P]↑ | Shift P | Display image properties |
Color ▷ Color Picker… [K]↑ | Shift K | Open Color Picker |
Stacks ▷ Next Slice [>]↑ | > or → | Go to next stack slice |
Stacks ▷ Previous Slice [ | < or ← | Go to previous stack slice |
Stacks ▷ Reslice… [/] ↑ | / | Reslice stack |
Stacks ▷ Orthogonal Views [H]↑ | Shift H | Toggle orthogonal view display |
Stacks ▷ Tools ▷ Start Animation [\]↑ | \ | Start/stop stack animation |
Hyperstacks ▷ Channels Tool… [Z]↑ | Shift Z | Open the ‘Channels’ tool |
Hyperstacks↑ | > or → | Next hyperstack channel |
Hyperstacks↑ | < or ← | Previous hyperstack channel |
Hyperstacks↑ | Ctrl > | Next hyperstack slice |
Hyperstacks↑ | Ctrl | Previous hyperstack slice |
Hyperstacks↑ | Alt > | Next hyperstack frame |
Hyperstacks↑ | Alt | Previous hyperstack frame |
Crop [X] ↑ | Shift X | Crop active image or selection |
Duplicate… [D] ↑ | Shift D | Duplicate active image or selection |
Scale… [E] ↑ | E | Scale image or selection |
Zoom ▷ In [+] ↑ | + or ↑ | Make image larger |
Zoom ▷ Out [-]↑ | − or ↓ | Make image smaller |
Zoom ▷ Original Scale [4]↑ | 4 | Revert to original zoom level |
Zoom ▷ View 100% [5]↑ | 5 | Zoom to 1:1 |
Overlay ▷ Add Selection… [b] ↑ | B | Adds active selection to image overlay |
Process ▷ | ||
Smooth [S] ↑ | Shift S | 3 × 3 unweighted smoothing |
Repeat Command [R]↑ | Shift R | Repeat previous command |
Analyze ▷ | ||
Measure… [m] ↑ | M | Display statistics of active image / selection |
Histogram [h] ↑ | H | Display histogram of active image / selection |
Plot Profile [k] ↑ | K | Display density profile plot of active selection |
Gels ▷ ↑Select First Lane | 1 | Select first gel lane |
Gels ▷ ↑Select Next Lane | 2 | Select next gel lane |
Plugins ▷ | ||
Utilities ▷ Control Panel… [U]↑ | Shift U | Open Control Panel |
Utilities ▷ Capture Screen [g]↑ | Shift G | Grab screenshot (with Ctrl if a dialog box is active) |
Utilities ▷ Find Commands… [l]↑ | L | List, find and launch commands |
Window ▷ | ||
Show All [ ] ]↑ | ] | Make all windows visible |
Put Behind [tab]↑ | Tab | Switch to next image window |
Main ImageJ window↑ | Enter | Bring ImageJ window to front |